Organization of the seminars:

  1. Bistro Seminar (co-organized with Simion Filip, Curtis McMullen and Martin Möller -  Billiards and Surfaces à la Teichmüller and Riemann, Online, April 2020 - ... .
  2. DynamiX Seminar (co-organized with Thomas Gauthier and Charles Favre - conference room of the Centre de Mathématiques Laurent Schwartz, Bâtiment 6, École Polytechnique, October 2018 - ... .
  3. "Géométrie et dynamique dans les espaces de modules" Seminar  (Plat Seminar) -  Institut Henri Poincaré,.
    • co-organized with Bram Petri:  December  2023 - ... 
    • co-organized with Anton Zorich:  September  2014 - ... 
    • co-organized with Giovanni Forni September 2017 - August 2019 and September 2022 - August 2023
    • co-organized with Jean Christophe Yoccoz : February 2014 - August 2016
  4. "Théorie Ergodique et Systèmes Dynamiques" Seminar (co-organized with Luca Marchese and Pierre Berger -  LAGA, Université Paris 13, 2011 - 2014 .
  5. Analysis Seminar (co-organized with Felipe Linares)  -  IMPA, March 2006 - August 2007.
  6. Number Theory Seminar (co-organized with Carlos Gustavo Moreira and  Houssein Movasati)  -  IMPAAugust 2006 - August 2007.
  7. Geometric Analysis Seminar (co-organized with Alexander Arbieto and  Fernando C. Marques)  -  IMPA, March 2006 - August 2006.

Organization of the conferences / schools:

  1. Combinatorics, Dynamics and Geometry on Moduli Spaces  (co-organized with Giovanni Forni, Erwan Lanneau, Corinna Ulcigrai and Anna Wienhard )  - September 19-23,  2022, CIRM, Marseille.
  2. "Journées de Géométrie et Combinatoire dans les Espaces des Modules"  (co-organized with Luca Marchese, Thierry Monteil and Andrea Sportiello - September 24 and 25 , 2018, B407, Institut Galilée, Université Paris 13.
  3. Summer School on Teichmüller Theory and its Connections to Geometry, Topology and Dynamics  (co-organized with Jon Chaika, Moon Duchin and Jing Tao),  August 20 - 24,   2018, Fields Institute, Toronto.
  4. A conference in memory of Jean-Christophe Yoccoz (co-organized with Pierre Berger and Sylvain Crovisier), May 29 - 31, 2017, Collège de France, Paris.
  5. International Conference on Dynamical Systems  (co-organized with Artur Avila, Sylvain Crovisier, Jacob Palis, Marcelo Viana and Jean-Christophe Yoccoz),  July 4 - 8, 2016, Buzios, RJ, Brasil.
  6. 2nd Workshop on Combinatorics, Number Theory and Dynamical Systems  (co-organized with Yuri Lima, Christian Mauduit, Carlos Gustavo Moreira and Jean-Christophe Yoccoz), August  24 - 28, 2015 , IMPA, Rio de Janeiro.
  7. Third Palis-Balzan International Symposium on Dynamical Systems (co-organized with Sylvain Crovisier), June 14 - 20, 2015, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris.
  8. "Surfaces Plates" Day (co-organized with Luca Marchese), May 20, 2015, Institut Galilée, Université Paris 13.
  9. Workshop on Combinatorics, Number Theory and Dynamical Systems  (co-organized with Yuri Lima, Christian Mauduit, Carlos Gustavo Moreira and Jean-Christophe Yoccoz), August 19 - 23, 2013, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro.
  10. Second Palis-Balzan International Symposium on Dynamical Systems (co-organized with Sylvain Crovisier), June 10 - 14, 2013, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris.

Students, Pos-Doc:

  1. Etienne Bonnafoux - "On ergodic properties of some flows on moduli spaces and their uses on counting problems"  - PhD 2023,  École Polytechnique.
  2. Juan Marshall - Supervision of the post-doctoral visit for six months (September 2022),  École Polytechnique.
  3. Etienne Bonnafoux - "Teichmuller Theory and Thurston Earthquake Flow"  - Master 2020,  École Polytechnique.
  4. Rodolfo Gutiérrez (Co-directed with prof. Anton Zorich) - "Combinatorial theory of the Kontsevich-Zorich cocycle" - PhD 2019,  Université Paris 7.
  5. Mauricio Poletti - Supervision of the post-doctoral visit for one-year (January 2017),  Université Paris 13.
  6. Elise Goujard - "Revêtements Cycliques à Petits Carreaux"  - Master 2011,  École Normale Supérieure de Cachan.