Géométrie et dynamique dans les espaces de modules

Séminaire Mensuel

Séminaire - Septembre

Le séminaire aura lieu un mercredi par mois de 14h à 15h à l'Institut Henri Poincaré à Paris.  Pour télécharger l'affiche du mois: septembre.pdf.

               salle Olga Ladyjenskaïa (ex-salle 01)

    Titre: Finiteness theorems for atypical intersections

    Resumé: Many manifolds \(M\) come naturally with a distinguished class of submanifolds exhibiting a special behaviour. Examples include abelian varieties with sub-abelian varieties, locally homogeneous spaces with totally geodesic sub-spaces, period domains with sub-period domains, as well as strata of abelian differentials with affine invariant submanifolds. Starting from the recent finiteness theorem of Eskin-Filip-Wright, I will describe various related results (in the different settings described above) and a new framework, based on "Galois theory of foliations", that recovers most of those works. The new approach is effective and it is a joint work with D. Urbanik.