Séminaire - Avril
Le séminaire aura lieu un mercredi du mois (exceptionnellement deux exposés) de 14h à 15h et 15h30 à 16h30 à l'Institut Henri Poincaré à Paris. Pour télécharger l'affiche du mois: avril.pdf.
- 30/04/2025 - David Aulicino (Brooklyn College)
- 30/04/2025 - Anja Randecker (Saarland University, Heidelberg University)
salle Olga Ladyjenskaïa (ex-salle 01)
Titre: Siegel-Veech
Constants of Cyclic Covers of Generic Translation Surfaces
Resumé: We
consider generic translation surfaces of genus \(g>0\) with
points and take covers branched over the marked points such that the
monodromy of every element in the fundamental group lies in a cyclic
group of order \(d\). Given a translation surface, the number of
cylinders with waist curve of length at most \(L\) grows like \(L^2\).
By work of Veech and Eskin-Masur, when normalizing the number of
cylinders by \(L^2\), the limit as \(L\) goes to infinity exists and
the resulting number is called a Siegel-Veech constant. The same holds
true if we weight the cylinders by their area. Remarkably, the
Siegel-Veech constant resulting from counting cylinders weighted by
area is independent of the number of branch points \(n\). All necessary
background will be given and a connection to combinatorics will be
presented. This is joint work with Aaron Calderon, Carlos Matheus, Nick
Salter, and Martin Schmoll.
salle Olga Ladyjenskaïa (ex-salle 01)
Titre: ...
Resumé: ...