Géométrie et dynamique dans les espaces de modules

Séminaire Mensuel

Séminaire - Avril

Le séminaire aura lieu un mercredi par mois de 14h à 15h à l'Institut Henri Poincaré à Paris.  Pour télécharger l'affiche du mois: avril.pdf.

               salle Olga Ladyjenskaïa (ex-salle 01)

    Titre: Orthogonal ring patterns, discrete surfaces and integrable systems

    Resumé: We introduce orthogonal ring patterns consisting of pairs of concentric circles. They generalize orthogonal circle patterns which can be treated as conformal limit. It is shown that orthogonal ring patterns in Euclidean and hyperbolic planes and in a sphere are governed by integrable equations. We deliver variational principles which are used to prove existence and uniqueness results, and also to compute ring patterns with classical boundary conditions. The later are used to generate discrete cmc surfaces. Relation to minimal surfaces in S3 and AdS3 is discussed. Numerous virtual and printed models as well as animation movies will be demonstrated.