Notas - 2012 :

  • Sistemas Dinâmicos e Teoria Ergódica
  1. “Surfaces à petits carreaux (suite)", curso de Jean-Christophe Yoccoz no Collège de France  -  Arquivos  -  parte 1 ,  parte 2parte 3parte 4parte 5 ,  parte 6parte 7parte 8parte 9  e  parte 10 
  2. Slides for my talks , em  Univ. of North Carolina, University of Maryland e Penn State University  -  Arquivos  -  html 
  3. Hakan Eliasson’s talk on a problem of Michel Herman, palestra dada na UMD que abriu as atividades do Maryland-Penn State Dynamics Meeting  -  Arquivos  -  html 
  4. Birkhoff sums for interval exchange maps: the Kontsevich-Zorich cocycle, curso dado juntamente com Jean-Christophe Yoccoz no ICTP - School and Conference in Dynamical Systems  -  Arquivos  -  slides 1 , slides 2 , slides 3 , slides 4 , slides 5 , slides 6 , slides 7 , slides 8 , slides 9 , slides 10
  5. Fractal geometry of non-uniformly hyperbolic horseshoes, palestra dada no First Palis-Balzan International Symposium on Dynamical Systems realizado no Impa  -  Arquivos  -  slides  e  video
  6. Homoclinic/heteroclinic bifurcations, versão expandida das notas da palestra dada no Workshop de Teoria Ergódica realizado na UNC, Chapel Hill organizado por Idris Assani - Arquivos - introduction, Newhouse phenomena, thin horseshoes, fat horseshoes, slightly fat horseshoes A, slightly fat horseshoes B 
  7. Decay of correlations for flows and Dolgopyat’s estimateArquivos  -  html  
  • Geometria
  1. The Willmore conjecture after Fernando Codá Marques and André Neves - Arquivoshtml
  2. Energy of links and Freedman-He-Wang’s conjecture after Ian Agol, Fernando Coda Marques and Andre Neves - Arquivoshtml
  3. Deformation of positive scalar curvature metrics in 3-manifolds (after Fernando Coda Marques) - Arquivoshtml