Séminaire - Octobre
Le séminaire aura lieu un mercredi par mois de 14h à 15h à l'Institut Henri Poincaré à Paris. Pour télécharger le programme du mois: octobre.pdf.
- 11/10/2017 - Giovanni Forni (University of Maryland / IMJ-PRG) - salle 05
Some remarks on Teichmueller dynamics on character varieties
Resumé: Following
Bill Goldman, we introduce a lift of the Teichmueller flow (on the
moduli space of holomorphic differentials) to a natural flat bundle
with fiber given by the character variety of a Lie group.
The main result, joint with Goldman, is the ergodicity and mixing for
canonical mesures on strata of closed surfaces in the case of compact
Lie groups. The argument is immediate as it is a combination of the
ergodicity of the action of the mapping class group on the character
variety, proved by Goldman and Pickrell-Xia, and of results of
Glasner-Weiss on weak-mixing properties of group actions.