Géométrie et dynamique dans les espaces de modules

Séminaire Mensuel

Séminaire - Novembre

Le séminaire aura lieu un mercredi par mois de 14h à 15h à l'Institut Henri Poincaré à Paris.  Pour télécharger le programme du mois: novembre.pdf.

  • 14/11/2018 - Luca Marchese (Université Paris 13) -  salle 314

  • Titre: Full families of generalized Interval Exchange Transformations.

    Resumé:Generalized interval exchange transformations, or briefly GIETs, are bijections of the interval which are piecewise increasing homeomorphisms with finite branches. When all continuous branches are translations, such maps are classical interval exchange transformations, or briefly IETs. The semi-conjugation class of a given IET is the set of all GIETs which are continuously semi-conjugated to it. We consider optimal finite-dimensional parameter families of GIETs and we give a geometric criterion for such a family to be a "full family", that is a family which intersects the semi-conjugation class of any irrational IET. With our geometric criterion it is easy to see that the set of all GIETs is continuously foliated into full families. This is a joint work with Liviana Palmisano.