Géométrie et dynamique dans les espaces de modules

Séminaire Mensuel

Séminaire - Juin

Le séminaire aura lieu exceptionnellement un mardi de 14h à 15h à l'Institut Henri Poincaré à Paris.  Pour télécharger le programme du mois: juin.pdf.

  • 05/06/2018 (mardi) - Simion Filip (Harvard University)  -  salle 314

  • Titre: Discrete groups, Lyapunov exponents, and Hodge theory

    Resumé: Families of algebraic manifolds give interesting examples of discrete subgroups of Lie groups, via their monodromy. They also lead to differential equations, such as the hypergeometric ones, whose solutions have an arithmetic significance. After providing the necessary background I will explain a proof of a formula conjectured by Eskin, Kontsevich, Moeller and Zorich relating Lyapunov exponents (dynamical invariants) with degrees of line bundles (topological invariants). I will also discuss some special geometric features of the discrete groups and the corresponding differential equations.